Classe TDWDCP_blockcipher
type TDWDCP_blockcipher = class(TDWDCP_cipher)
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Visão Geral
procedure InitKey(const Key; Size: longword); virtual; |
The cipher mode the encrypt method uses
class function GetBlockSize: integer; virtual; |
procedure SetIV(const Value); virtual; |
Get the block size of the cipher (in bits)
procedure GetIV(var Value); virtual; |
Sets the IV to Value and performs a reset
procedure Encrypt(const Indata; var Outdata; Size: longword); override; |
Returns the current chaining information, not the actual IV
procedure Decrypt(const Indata; var Outdata; Size: longword); override; |
Encrypt size bytes of data and place in Outdata using CipherMode
function EncryptString(const Str: DWDCPRawString): DWDCPRawString; overload; override; |
Decrypt size bytes of data and place in Outdata using CipherMode
procedure EncryptECB(const Indata; var Outdata); virtual; |
Decrypt a Base64 encoded Unicode string
procedure DecryptECB(const Indata; var Outdata); virtual; |
Encrypt a block of data using the ECB method of encryption
procedure EncryptCBC(const Indata; var Outdata; Size: longword); virtual; |
Decrypt a block of data using the ECB method of decryption
procedure DecryptCBC(const Indata; var Outdata; Size: longword); virtual; |
Encrypt size bytes of data using the CBC method of encryption
procedure EncryptCFB8bit(const Indata; var Outdata; Size: longword); virtual; |
Decrypt size bytes of data using the CBC method of decryption
procedure DecryptCFB8bit(const Indata; var Outdata; Size: longword); virtual; |
Encrypt size bytes of data using the CFB (8 bit) method of encryption
procedure EncryptCFBblock(const Indata; var Outdata; Size: longword); virtual; |
Decrypt size bytes of data using the CFB (8 bit) method of decryption
procedure DecryptCFBblock(const Indata; var Outdata; Size: longword); virtual; |
Encrypt size bytes of data using the CFB (block) method of encryption
procedure EncryptOFB(const Indata; var Outdata; Size: longword); virtual; |
Decrypt size bytes of data using the CFB (block) method of decryption
procedure DecryptOFB(const Indata; var Outdata; Size: longword); virtual; |
Encrypt size bytes of data using the OFB method of encryption
procedure EncryptCTR(const Indata; var Outdata; Size: longword); virtual; |
Decrypt size bytes of data using the OFB method of decryption
procedure DecryptCTR(const Indata; var Outdata; Size: longword); virtual; |
Encrypt size bytes of data using the CTR method of encryption
constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; |
Decrypt size bytes of data using the CTR method of decryption
property BlockSize: integer read _GetBlockSize write DeadInt; |
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