Encode a lump of raw data (output is (4/3) times bigger than input)
Encode a string into Base64 format
Encode a Unicode string into Base64 format
Decode a Base64 format Unicode string
Decode a Base64 format string
Function StreamToBytes (Stream : TMemoryStream) : tidBytes;
criando em 18/02/2020 - Ico Menezes
The MD5Buffer Function evaluates the MD5 hashsum for any memory buffer. The Buffer parameters specifies a buffer to evaluate hashsum. The Size parameter specifies the size (in bytes) of a buffer
The MD5DigestCompare Function compares two TRESTDWMD5Digest record variables. This Function returns TRUE if parameters are equal or FALSE otherwise
The MD5DigestToStr Function converts the result of a hashsum evaluation Function into a string of hexadecimal digits
The MD5File Function evaluates the MD5 hashsum for a file. The FileName parameter specifies the name of a file to evaluate hashsum
The MD5Stream Function evaluates the MD5 hashsum for a stream. The Stream parameters specifies the TStream descendant class object to evaluate hashsum
The MD5String Function evaluates the MD5 hashsum for a string. The S parameter specifies a string to evaluate hashsum
Function BytesArrToString (aValue : tIdBytes; IdEncode : {$IFNDEF FPC}{$IF (DEFINED(OLDINDY))} TIdTextEncoding {$ELSE} IIdTextEncoding {$IFEND} {$ELSE} IIdTextEncoding {$ENDIF} = Nil) : String;
Funções de Compressão e descompressão de Stream com ZLib