Unit uRESTDWConsts
- zstream
- base64
- SysUtils
- DB
- Classes
- uRESTDWEncodeClass
- ZLib
- DWDCPrijndael
- DWDCPsha256
- uzliblaz
Visão Geral
Classes, Interfaces, Objetos e Registros
Nome | Descrição |
Classe TMassiveDataset |
Classe TRESTDWUriOptions |
Classe TCripto |
Funções e Procedimentos
Function GetObjectName(TypeObject : TTypeObject) : String; Overload; |
Function GetDataModeName(TypeObject : TDataMode) : String; Overload; |
Function GetDataModeName(TypeObject : String) : TDataMode; Overload; |
Function GetObjectName(TypeObject : String) : TTypeObject; Overload; |
Function GetDirectionName(ObjectDirection : TObjectDirection) : String; Overload; |
Function GetDirectionName(ObjectDirection : String) : TObjectDirection; Overload; |
Function GetBooleanFromString(Value : String) : Boolean; |
Function GetStringFromBoolean(Value : Boolean) : String; |
Function GetValueType(ObjectValue : TObjectValue) : String; Overload; |
Function GetValueType(ObjectValue : String) : TObjectValue; Overload; |
Function GetValueTypeTranslator(ObjectValue : String) : TObjectValue; |
Function GetFieldType(FieldType : TFieldType) : String; Overload; |
Function GetFieldType(FieldType : String) : TFieldType; Overload; |
Function GetFieldTypeB(FieldType : TFieldType) : String; |
Function StringToBoolean(aValue : String) : Boolean; |
Function BooleanToString(aValue : Boolean) : String; |
Function StringFloat(aValue : String) : String; |
Function MassiveSQLMode(aValue : TMassiveSQLMode) : String; Overload; |
Function MassiveSQLMode(aValue : String) : TMassiveSQLMode; Overload; |
Function GenerateStringFromStream(Stream : TStream ) : String; Overload; |
Function FileToStr(Const FileName : String) : String; |
Procedure StrToFile(Const FileName, SourceString : String); |
Function StreamToHex(Stream : TStream; QQuoted : Boolean = True) : String; |
Function PCharToHex(Data : PChar; Size : Integer; QQuoted : Boolean = True) : String; |
Procedure HexToPChar(HexString : String; Var Data : PChar); |
Procedure HexToStream(Str : String; Stream : TStream); |
Procedure CopyStream(Const Source : TStream; Dest : TStream); |
Function ZDecompressStreamNew(Const S : TStream) : TStream; |
Function ZDecompressStr(Const S : String; Var Value : String) : Boolean; |
Function ZDecompressStreamD(Const S : TStringStream; Var Value : TStringStream) : Boolean; |
Function ZCompressStreamNew(Const s : String) : TStream; |
Function ZCompressStreamSS(Const s : String) : TStringStream; |
Function ZCompressStr(Const s : String; Var Value : String) : Boolean; |
Function ZCompressStreamD(S : TStream; Var Value : TStream) : Boolean; |
Function ObjectValueToFieldType(TypeObject : TObjectValue) : TFieldType; |
Function FieldTypeToObjectValue(FieldType : TFieldType) : TObjectValue; |
Function DatasetStateToMassiveType(DatasetState : TDatasetState) : TMassiveMode; |
Function MassiveModeToString(MassiveMode : TMassiveMode) : String; |
Function StringToMassiveMode(Value : String) : TMassiveMode; |
Function DateTimeToUnix(ConvDate : TDateTime) : Int64; |
Function UnixToDateTime(USec : Int64) : TDateTime; |
Function BuildFloatString(Value : String) : String; |
Function BuildStringFloat(Value : String; DataModeD : TDataMode = dmDataware; FloatDecimalFormat : String = '') : String; |
Function GetMIMEType(sFile : TFileName) : string; |
Function Scripttags(Value : String) : Boolean; |
Function RESTDWFileExists(sFile, BaseFilePath : String) : Boolean; |
Function SystemProtectFiles(sFile : String) : Boolean; |
Function RequestTypeToRoute(RequestType : TRequestType) : TRESTDWRoute; |
Procedure DeleteStr(Var Value : String; InitPos, FinalPos : Integer); |
Function RandomString(strLen : Integer) : String; |
Function StrDWLength(Value : String) : Integer; |
Function RequestTypeToString(RequestType : TRequestType) : String; |
Function EncryptSHA256(Key, Text : TRESTDWString; Encrypt : Boolean) : String; |
Function EncodeURIComponent(Const ASrc : String) : String; |
Function iif(ATest : Boolean; Const ATrue : Integer; Const AFalse : Integer) : Integer; Overload; |
Function iif(ATest : Boolean; Const ATrue : String; Const AFalse : String) : String; Overload; |
Function iif(ATest : Boolean; Const ATrue : Boolean; Const AFalse : Boolean) : Boolean; Overload; |
Procedure InitializeStrings; |
TRESTDWAboutInfo = (...); |
TRESTDWString = AnsiString; |
TDatabaseCharSet = (...); |
TDataMode = (...); |
TDatasetType = (...); |
TMassiveMode = (...); |
TMassiveSQLMode = (...); |
TObjectDirection = (...); |
TObjectValue = (...); |
TRequestMode = (...); |
TRequestType = (...); |
TRESTDWIPVersion = (...); |
TRESTDWJSONType = (...); |
TRESTDWMaxLineAction = (...); |
TRESTDWOSType = (...); |
TRESTDWRoute = (...); |
TRESTDWRoutes = Set of TRESTDWRoute; |
TRESTDWSSLVersion = (...); |
TRESTDWSSLVersions = set of TRESTDWSSLVersion; |
TTypeObject = (...); |
tScriptsDetected : Array [0..1] of string = ('.map', '.webdwpc'); |
TSpecialChars : Array [0..7] Of Char = ('\', '"', '/', #8, #9, #10, #12, #13); |
wdays : Array [1..7] Of String = ('Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat'); |
monthnames : Array [1..12] Of string = ('Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun',
'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'); |
GOffsetFromUTC : TDateTime = 0; |
RESTDWVersionINFO = 'v2.0.7-'; |
RESTDWRelease = '79'; |
RESTDWCodeProject = 'Savage Reign - GitHub'; |
RESTDWVersao = RESTDWVersionINFO + RESTDWRelease + '(' + RESTDWCodeProject + ')'; |
RESTDWDialogoTitulo = 'REST DataWare Components'; |
RESTDWSobreTitulo = 'REST DataWare '+ RESTDWVersao; |
RESTDWSobreDescricao = 'https://github.com/OpenSourceCommunityBrasil/REST-DataWare' + sLineBreak +
'Components REST Dataware'; |
RESTDWSobreLicencaStatus = 'Open Source - Free Version'; |
RESTDWParamsHeaderVersion = 6; |
ByteBuffer = 1024 * 8; |
CompressBuffer = 1024 * 2; |
HoursInDay = 24; |
LazDigitsSize = 6; |
MaxFloatLaz = 15; |
MAXSHORT = 32767; |
MinutesInDay = 1440; |
MinutesInHour = 60; |
SecondsInDay = 86400; |
SecondsInHour = 3600; |
SecondsInMinute = 60; |
UnixDate = 0; |
AssyncCommandMSG = '{"status":"OK", "assyncmsg":"AssyncCommand Executed"}'; |
cApplicationJSON = 'application/json'; |
cAuthenticationError = 'Error : ' + #13 + 'Authentication Error...'; |
cAuthRealm = 'WWW-Authenticate: %s realm="%s", %s charset="UTF-8"'; |
cBlankStringJSON = '""'; |
cCompressionLevel = clFastest; |
cCannotReadBuffer = 'Cannot Read Buffer'; |
cCannotWriteBuffer = 'Cannot Write Buffer'; |
cConnectionRename = 'CONNECTIONRENAME'; |
cContentTypeFormUrl = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'; |
cContentTypeMultiPart = 'multipart/form-data'; |
cCreatedToken = '201 Created'; |
cDefaultBasicAuthUser = 'testserver'; |
cDefaultBasicAuthPassword = 'testserver'; |
cDefaultContentType = 'application/json'; |
cDefaultContentEncoding = 'gzip, identity'; |
cEmptyDBName = 'Empty Database Property'; |
cErrorDatabaseNotFound = 'Database not found...'; |
cErrorNoFieldsDataset = 'No Fields to add on Dataset...'; |
cErrorOpenDataset = 'Error when try open Dataset...'; |
cEventNotFound = 'HTTP/1.1 404 Url Not Found'; |
cExprIncorrect = 'Incorrectly formed filter expression'; |
cExprExpected = 'Expression expected but %s found'; |
cFieldNotFound = 'Field ''%s'' not found'; |
cInvalidBinaryRequest = 'Invalid Binary Request. Resource unsupported. %s'; |
cInvalidEvent = 'Invalid Event Name'; |
cInvalidContextName = 'Invalid Context Name'; |
cInvalidCustomFieldName = 'Invalid Custom Field Name'; |
cInvalidFieldName = 'Invalid Field Name'; |
cInvalidParamName = 'Invalid Param Name'; |
cInvalidDWParam = 'Invalid RESTDWParam'; |
cInvalidDWParams = 'Invalid RESTDWParams'; |
cInvalidPoolerName = 'Invalid Pooler Name...'; |
cInvalidBlankPooler = 'Invalid Pooler Name: Pooler is blank'; |
cInvalidContextRule = 'Invalid ContextRule Name'; |
cInvalidRequest = 'Invalid request url.'; |
cInvalidServerEventName = 'Invalid ServerEvent name'; |
cInvalidDriverConnection = 'CustomConnection undefined on server driver selected'; |
cInvalidRDWServer = 'Invalid REST Dataware Server...'; |
cInvalidConnectionName = 'Invalid ConnectionName'; |
cInvalidConnection = 'Invalid connection. The server maybe offline...'; |
cInvalidDataToApply = 'No data to "Applyupdates"...'; |
cInvalidBufferPosition = 'Invalid Buffer Position'; |
cInvalidStream = 'Invalid Stream...'; |
cInvalidAuth = 'HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized'; |
cInvalidInternalError = 'Internal Server Error'; |
cInvalidMessageTo = 'Invalid Sendmessage %s to user %s, error %s'; |
cIOHandler_MaxCapturedLines = -1; |
cMaxLineLengthDefault = 16 * 1024; |
cMessagePartCreate = 'MessagePart can not be created. Use descendant classes.'; |
cMessageDecoderNotFound = 'Decoder not found'; |
cMessageEncoderNotFound = 'Encoder not found'; |
cMethodNotImplemented = 'Method not implemented...'; |
cMIMETypeEmpty = 'Mimetype is Empty...'; |
cMIMETypeAlreadyExists = 'Mimetype Already Exists...'; |
cNameValueSeparator = ':'; |
cNotWorkYet = 'It doesn''''t work yet'; |
cNullvalue = 'null'; |
cNullvalueTag = '"null"'; |
cParamDetails = '%s|%s|%d|%d'; |
cParamNotFound = 'Param %s not found...'; |
cParamsCount = 1; |
cPing = 'PING'; |
cPoolerNotFound = 'Pooler not found'; |
cPong = 'PONG'; |
cQuit = 'QUIT'; |
cRDWDetailField = 'rdwdetailfield'; |
cRecvBufferSizeDefault = 32 * 1024; |
cRequestRejectedMethods = 'Request rejected. Acceptable HTTP methods: '; |
cRequestAcceptableMethods = 'Acceptable HTTP methods not defined on server'; |
cRequestRejected = 'The Requested URL was Rejected'; |
cSendBufferSizeDefault = 32 * 1024; |
cServerEventNotFound = 'ServerEvent not found...'; |
cServerMethodClassNotAssigned = 'Property ServerMethodClass not assigned'; |
cServerMessage = 'SERVERMESSAGE'; |
cServerStream = 'SERVERSTREAM'; |
cStreamReadError = 'Stream Error %s %s'; |
cTablenameTAG = 'TABLENAME'; |
cTimeoutDefault = -1; |
cTokenStringRDWTS = '{"token":"%s"}'; |
cUndefined = 'undefined'; |
cUserAgent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/41.0.2227.0 Safari/537.36'; |
cUserMessage = 'USERMESSAGE'; |
cUserStream = 'USERSTREAM'; |
cValueKey = '{"serverinforequest":"%s", "inforequest":"%s", "lifecycle":"%s"}'; |
cValueKeyToken = '{"secrets":"%s", "md5":"%s"}'; |
cValueToken = '{%s"exp":"%s", "iat":"%s", "secrets":"%s"}'; |
cValueTokenNoLife = '{%s"iat":"%s", "secrets":"%s"}'; |
cWelcomeUser = 'Welcome user %s'; |
rsLazarusDWPackage = 'REST Dataware - Tools'; |
rsDwRequestDBGName = 'REST Dataware - Request Debbuger'; |
SCorruptedFileHeader = 'Corrupted File Header'; |
SCorruptedDefinitions = 'Corrupted Table Definitions, or Illegal Login'; |
TDatasetRequestJSON = '{"SQL":"%s", "PARAMS":"%s", "BinaryRequest":%s, "Metadata":%s, "BinaryCompatibleMode":%s}'; |
TDecimalChar = 'D'; |
TFormdataParamName = 'content-disposition: form-data; name'; |
TJsonDatasetHeader = '{"Field":"%s", "Type":"%s", "Primary":"%s", "Required":"%s", "Size":%d, "Precision":%d, "ReadOnly":"%s", "Autogeneration":"%s"}'; |
TJsonStringValue = '"%s"'; |
TJsonValueFormat = '%s'; |
TMassiveFormatJSON = '{"%s":"%s", "%s":"%s", "%s":"%s", "%s":"%s", "%s":"%s", "%s":[%s], ' +
'"reflectionchanges":"%s", "sequencename":"%s", "sequencefield":"%s", "mycomptag":"%s", ' +
'"mastercomptag":"%s", "mastercompfields":"%s"}'; |
TNullString = #0; |
TQuotedValueMemString = '\"'; |
TReplyError = '{"MESSAGE":"ERROR", "RESULT":"%s"}'; |
TReplyInvalidPooler = '{"MESSAGE":"ERROR", "RESULT":"Invalid Pooler Name..."}'; |
TReplyInvalidWelcome = '{"MESSAGE":"ERROR", "RESULT":"Invalid welcomemessage..."}'; |
TReplyNOK = '{"MESSAGE":"FAIL", "RESULT":"FAIL"}'; |
TReplyOK = '{"MESSAGE":"OK", "RESULT":"OK"}'; |
TReplyTagError = '{"MESSAGE":"ERROR", "RESULT":"Invalid Access tag..."}'; |
TServerStatusHTML = '<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset="UTF-8"/>' +
'<title>REST Dataware '+ RESTDWVersao +' </title></head><body>' +
'<h2>Server Status - Online</h2></body></html>'; |
TServerStatusHTMLQX = '<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset="UTF-8"/>' +
'<title>REST Dataware - QuickX</title></head><body>' +
'<h1>REST Dataware</h1>' +
'<h2>Server Status - Online</h2></body></html>'; |
TSepParams = '|xxx|xxx|%'; |
TSepValueMemString = '\\'; |
TTagParams = '<#%s#>'; |
TValueArrayJSON = '[%s]'; |
TValueDisp = '{"PARAMS":[%s], "RESULT":[%s]}'; |
TValueFormatJSON = '{"%s":"%s", "%s":"%s", "%s":"%s", "%s":"%s", "%s":[%s]}'; |
TValueFormatJSONValue = '{"%s":"%s", "%s":"%s", "%s":"%s", "%s":"%s", "%s":%s}'; |
TValueFormatJSONValueS = '{"%s":"%s", "%s":"%s", "%s":"%s", "%s":"%s", "%s":"%s"}'; |
UrlBase = '%s://%s:%d/%s'; |
UrlBaseA = '%s://%s:%d%s'; |
cBufferIsEmpty = 'No bytes in buffer.'; |
cBufferRangeError = 'Index out of bounds.'; |
cBufferMissingTerminator = 'Buffer terminator must be specified.'; |
cBufferInvalidStartPos = 'Buffer start position is invalid.'; |
cCapacityTooSmall = 'Capacity cannot be smaller than Size.'; |
cCharIndexOutOfBounds = 'Character index out of bounds (%d)'; |
cFailedTimeZoneInfo = 'Failed attempting to retrieve time zone information.'; |
cHeaderEncodeError = 'Could not encode header data using charset "%s"'; |
cHeaderDecodeError = 'Could not decode header data using charset "%s"'; |
cInvalidCharCount = 'Invalid count (%d)'; |
cInvalidDestinationIndex = 'Invalid destination index (%d)'; |
cInvalidDestinationArray = 'Invalid destination array'; |
cInvalidSourceArray = 'Invalid source array'; |
cIOHandlerCannotChange = 'Cannot change a connected IOHandler.'; |
cIOHandlerTypeNotInstalled = 'No IOHandler of type %s is installed.'; |
cMessageCannotLoad = 'Cannot load message from file %s'; |
cMessageErrorAttachmentBlocked = 'Attachment %s is blocked.'; |
cMessageErrorSavingAttachment = 'Error saving attachment.'; |
cNotEnoughDataInBuffer = 'Not enough data in buffer. (%d/%d)'; |
cTooMuchDataInBuffer = 'Too much data in buffer.'; |
cReadLnWaitMaxAttemptsExceeded = 'Max line read attempts exceeded.'; |
cReadTimeout = 'Read timed out.'; |
InitStrPos: Integer; |
FinalStrPos: Integer; |
DecimalLocal: Char; |
Funções e Procedimentos
Function GetObjectName(TypeObject : TTypeObject) : String; Overload; |
Function GetDataModeName(TypeObject : TDataMode) : String; Overload; |
Function GetDataModeName(TypeObject : String) : TDataMode; Overload; |
Function GetObjectName(TypeObject : String) : TTypeObject; Overload; |
Function GetDirectionName(ObjectDirection : TObjectDirection) : String; Overload; |
Function GetDirectionName(ObjectDirection : String) : TObjectDirection; Overload; |
Function GetBooleanFromString(Value : String) : Boolean; |
Function GetStringFromBoolean(Value : Boolean) : String; |
Function GetValueType(ObjectValue : TObjectValue) : String; Overload; |
Function GetValueType(ObjectValue : String) : TObjectValue; Overload; |
Function GetValueTypeTranslator(ObjectValue : String) : TObjectValue; |
criando em 18/02/2020 - Ico Menezes |
Function GetFieldType(FieldType : TFieldType) : String; Overload; |
Function GetFieldType(FieldType : String) : TFieldType; Overload; |
Function GetFieldTypeB(FieldType : TFieldType) : String; |
Function StringToBoolean(aValue : String) : Boolean; |
Function BooleanToString(aValue : Boolean) : String; |
Function StringFloat(aValue : String) : String; |
Function MassiveSQLMode(aValue : TMassiveSQLMode) : String; Overload; |
Function MassiveSQLMode(aValue : String) : TMassiveSQLMode; Overload; |
Function GenerateStringFromStream(Stream : TStream ) : String; Overload; |
Function FileToStr(Const FileName : String) : String; |
Procedure StrToFile(Const FileName, SourceString : String); |
Function StreamToHex(Stream : TStream; QQuoted : Boolean = True) : String; |
Function PCharToHex(Data : PChar; Size : Integer; QQuoted : Boolean = True) : String; |
Procedure HexToPChar(HexString : String; Var Data : PChar); |
Procedure HexToStream(Str : String; Stream : TStream); |
Procedure CopyStream(Const Source : TStream; Dest : TStream); |
Function StreamToBytes (Stream : TMemoryStream) : tidBytes; |
Function ZDecompressStreamNew(Const S : TStream) : TStream; |
Function ZDecompressStr(Const S : String; Var Value : String) : Boolean; |
Function ZDecompressStreamD(Const S : TStringStream; Var Value : TStringStream) : Boolean; |
Function ZCompressStreamNew(Const s : String) : TStream; |
Function ZCompressStreamSS(Const s : String) : TStringStream; |
Function ZCompressStr(Const s : String; Var Value : String) : Boolean; |
Function ZCompressStreamD(S : TStream; Var Value : TStream) : Boolean; |
Function ObjectValueToFieldType(TypeObject : TObjectValue) : TFieldType; |
Function BytesArrToString (aValue : tIdBytes; IdEncode : {$IFNDEF FPC}{$IF (DEFINED(OLDINDY))} TIdTextEncoding {$ELSE} IIdTextEncoding {$IFEND} {$ELSE} IIdTextEncoding {$ENDIF} = Nil) : String; |
Function FieldTypeToObjectValue(FieldType : TFieldType) : TObjectValue; |
Function DatasetStateToMassiveType(DatasetState : TDatasetState) : TMassiveMode; |
Function MassiveModeToString(MassiveMode : TMassiveMode) : String; |
Function StringToMassiveMode(Value : String) : TMassiveMode; |
Function DateTimeToUnix(ConvDate : TDateTime) : Int64; |
Function UnixToDateTime(USec : Int64) : TDateTime; |
Function BuildFloatString(Value : String) : String; |
Function BuildStringFloat(Value : String; DataModeD : TDataMode = dmDataware; FloatDecimalFormat : String = '') : String; |
Function GetMIMEType(sFile : TFileName) : string; |
Function Scripttags(Value : String) : Boolean; |
Function RESTDWFileExists(sFile, BaseFilePath : String) : Boolean; |
Function SystemProtectFiles(sFile : String) : Boolean; |
Function RequestTypeToRoute(RequestType : TRequestType) : TRESTDWRoute; |
Procedure DeleteStr(Var Value : String; InitPos, FinalPos : Integer); |
Function RandomString(strLen : Integer) : String; |
Function StrDWLength(Value : String) : Integer; |
Function RequestTypeToString(RequestType : TRequestType) : String; |
Function EncryptSHA256(Key, Text : TRESTDWString; Encrypt : Boolean) : String; |
Function EncodeURIComponent(Const ASrc : String) : String; |
Function iif(ATest : Boolean; Const ATrue : Integer; Const AFalse : Integer) : Integer; Overload; |
Function iif(ATest : Boolean; Const ATrue : String; Const AFalse : String) : String; Overload; |
Function iif(ATest : Boolean; Const ATrue : Boolean; Const AFalse : Boolean) : Boolean; Overload; |
Procedure InitializeStrings; |
TRESTDWAboutInfo = (...); |
TRESTDWString = AnsiString; |
TDatabaseCharSet = (...); |
TDataMode = (...); |
TDatasetType = (...); |
TMassiveMode = (...); |
TMassiveSQLMode = (...); |
TObjectDirection = (...); |
TObjectValue = (...); |
TRequestMode = (...); |
49..51 Valores
TRequestType = (...); |
TRESTDWIPVersion = (...); |
TRESTDWJSONType = (...); |
TRESTDWMaxLineAction = (...); |
TRESTDWOSType = (...); |
TRESTDWRoute = (...); |
TRESTDWRoutes = Set of TRESTDWRoute; |
TRESTDWSSLVersion = (...); |
TRESTDWSSLVersions = set of TRESTDWSSLVersion; |
TTypeObject = (...); |
tScriptsDetected : Array [0..1] of string = ('.map', '.webdwpc'); |
TSpecialChars : Array [0..7] Of Char = ('\', '"', '/', #8, #9, #10, #12, #13); |
wdays : Array [1..7] Of String = ('Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat'); |
monthnames : Array [1..12] Of string = ('Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun',
'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'); |
do not localize |
GOffsetFromUTC : TDateTime = 0; |
do not localize |
RESTDWVersionINFO = 'v2.0.7-'; |
controle de versão |
RESTDWRelease = '79'; |
RESTDWCodeProject = 'Savage Reign - GitHub'; |
RESTDWVersao = RESTDWVersionINFO + RESTDWRelease + '(' + RESTDWCodeProject + ')'; |
RESTDWDialogoTitulo = 'REST DataWare Components'; |
RESTDWSobreTitulo = 'REST DataWare '+ RESTDWVersao; |
RESTDWSobreDescricao = 'https://github.com/OpenSourceCommunityBrasil/REST-DataWare' + sLineBreak +
'Components REST Dataware'; |
RESTDWSobreLicencaStatus = 'Open Source - Free Version'; |
RESTDWParamsHeaderVersion = 6; |
ByteBuffer = 1024 * 8; |
CompressBuffer = 1024 * 2; |
8kb |
HoursInDay = 24; |
LazDigitsSize = 6; |
Number of hours in a day |
MaxFloatLaz = 15; |
MAXSHORT = 32767; |
MinutesInDay = 1440; |
MinutesInHour = 60; |
Number of minutes in a day |
SecondsInDay = 86400; |
Number of minutes in an hour |
SecondsInHour = 3600; |
Number of seconds in a day |
SecondsInMinute = 60; |
Number of seconds in an hour |
UnixDate = 0; |
Number of seconds in a minute |
AssyncCommandMSG = '{"status":"OK", "assyncmsg":"AssyncCommand Executed"}'; |
Date1900 |
cApplicationJSON = 'application/json'; |
cAuthenticationError = 'Error : ' + #13 + 'Authentication Error...'; |
cAuthRealm = 'WWW-Authenticate: %s realm="%s", %s charset="UTF-8"'; |
cBlankStringJSON = '""'; |
cCompressionLevel = clFastest; |
cCannotReadBuffer = 'Cannot Read Buffer'; |
cCannotWriteBuffer = 'Cannot Write Buffer'; |
cConnectionRename = 'CONNECTIONRENAME'; |
cContentTypeFormUrl = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'; |
cContentTypeMultiPart = 'multipart/form-data'; |
cCreatedToken = '201 Created'; |
cDefaultBasicAuthUser = 'testserver'; |
cDefaultBasicAuthPassword = 'testserver'; |
cDefaultContentType = 'application/json'; |
cDefaultContentEncoding = 'gzip, identity'; |
cEmptyDBName = 'Empty Database Property'; |
cErrorDatabaseNotFound = 'Database not found...'; |
cErrorNoFieldsDataset = 'No Fields to add on Dataset...'; |
cErrorOpenDataset = 'Error when try open Dataset...'; |
cEventNotFound = 'HTTP/1.1 404 Url Not Found'; |
cExprIncorrect = 'Incorrectly formed filter expression'; |
cExprExpected = 'Expression expected but %s found'; |
cFieldNotFound = 'Field ''%s'' not found'; |
cInvalidBinaryRequest = 'Invalid Binary Request. Resource unsupported. %s'; |
cInvalidEvent = 'Invalid Event Name'; |
cInvalidContextName = 'Invalid Context Name'; |
cInvalidCustomFieldName = 'Invalid Custom Field Name'; |
cInvalidFieldName = 'Invalid Field Name'; |
cInvalidParamName = 'Invalid Param Name'; |
cInvalidDWParam = 'Invalid RESTDWParam'; |
cInvalidDWParams = 'Invalid RESTDWParams'; |
cInvalidPoolerName = 'Invalid Pooler Name...'; |
cInvalidBlankPooler = 'Invalid Pooler Name: Pooler is blank'; |
cInvalidContextRule = 'Invalid ContextRule Name'; |
cInvalidRequest = 'Invalid request url.'; |
cInvalidServerEventName = 'Invalid ServerEvent name'; |
cInvalidDriverConnection = 'CustomConnection undefined on server driver selected'; |
cInvalidRDWServer = 'Invalid REST Dataware Server...'; |
cInvalidConnectionName = 'Invalid ConnectionName'; |
cInvalidConnection = 'Invalid connection. The server maybe offline...'; |
cInvalidDataToApply = 'No data to "Applyupdates"...'; |
cInvalidBufferPosition = 'Invalid Buffer Position'; |
cInvalidStream = 'Invalid Stream...'; |
cInvalidAuth = 'HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized'; |
cInvalidInternalError = 'Internal Server Error'; |
cInvalidMessageTo = 'Invalid Sendmessage %s to user %s, error %s'; |
cIOHandler_MaxCapturedLines = -1; |
cMaxLineLengthDefault = 16 * 1024; |
cMessagePartCreate = 'MessagePart can not be created. Use descendant classes.'; |
cMessageDecoderNotFound = 'Decoder not found'; |
cMessageEncoderNotFound = 'Encoder not found'; |
cMethodNotImplemented = 'Method not implemented...'; |
cMIMETypeEmpty = 'Mimetype is Empty...'; |
cMIMETypeAlreadyExists = 'Mimetype Already Exists...'; |
cNameValueSeparator = ':'; |
cNotWorkYet = 'It doesn''''t work yet'; |
cNullvalue = 'null'; |
cNullvalueTag = '"null"'; |
cParamDetails = '%s|%s|%d|%d'; |
cParamNotFound = 'Param %s not found...'; |
cParamsCount = 1; |
cPing = 'PING'; |
cPoolerNotFound = 'Pooler not found'; |
cPong = 'PONG'; |
cQuit = 'QUIT'; |
cRDWDetailField = 'rdwdetailfield'; |
cRecvBufferSizeDefault = 32 * 1024; |
cRequestRejectedMethods = 'Request rejected. Acceptable HTTP methods: '; |
cRequestAcceptableMethods = 'Acceptable HTTP methods not defined on server'; |
cRequestRejected = 'The Requested URL was Rejected'; |
cSendBufferSizeDefault = 32 * 1024; |
cServerEventNotFound = 'ServerEvent not found...'; |
cServerMethodClassNotAssigned = 'Property ServerMethodClass not assigned'; |
cServerMessage = 'SERVERMESSAGE'; |
cServerStream = 'SERVERSTREAM'; |
cStreamReadError = 'Stream Error %s %s'; |
cTablenameTAG = 'TABLENAME'; |
cTimeoutDefault = -1; |
cTokenStringRDWTS = '{"token":"%s"}'; |
cUndefined = 'undefined'; |
cUserAgent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/41.0.2227.0 Safari/537.36'; |
cUserMessage = 'USERMESSAGE'; |
cUserStream = 'USERSTREAM'; |
cValueKey = '{"serverinforequest":"%s", "inforequest":"%s", "lifecycle":"%s"}'; |
cValueKeyToken = '{"secrets":"%s", "md5":"%s"}'; |
cValueToken = '{%s"exp":"%s", "iat":"%s", "secrets":"%s"}'; |
cValueTokenNoLife = '{%s"iat":"%s", "secrets":"%s"}'; |
cWelcomeUser = 'Welcome user %s'; |
rsLazarusDWPackage = 'REST Dataware - Tools'; |
rsDwRequestDBGName = 'REST Dataware - Request Debbuger'; |
SCorruptedFileHeader = 'Corrupted File Header'; |
SCorruptedDefinitions = 'Corrupted Table Definitions, or Illegal Login'; |
TDatasetRequestJSON = '{"SQL":"%s", "PARAMS":"%s", "BinaryRequest":%s, "Metadata":%s, "BinaryCompatibleMode":%s}'; |
TDecimalChar = 'D'; |
TFormdataParamName = 'content-disposition: form-data; name'; |
TJsonDatasetHeader = '{"Field":"%s", "Type":"%s", "Primary":"%s", "Required":"%s", "Size":%d, "Precision":%d, "ReadOnly":"%s", "Autogeneration":"%s"}'; |
TJsonStringValue = '"%s"'; |
TJsonValueFormat = '%s'; |
TMassiveFormatJSON = '{"%s":"%s", "%s":"%s", "%s":"%s", "%s":"%s", "%s":"%s", "%s":[%s], ' +
'"reflectionchanges":"%s", "sequencename":"%s", "sequencefield":"%s", "mycomptag":"%s", ' +
'"mastercomptag":"%s", "mastercompfields":"%s"}'; |
TNullString = #0; |
TQuotedValueMemString = '\"'; |
TReplyError = '{"MESSAGE":"ERROR", "RESULT":"%s"}'; |
TReplyInvalidPooler = '{"MESSAGE":"ERROR", "RESULT":"Invalid Pooler Name..."}'; |
TReplyInvalidWelcome = '{"MESSAGE":"ERROR", "RESULT":"Invalid welcomemessage..."}'; |
TReplyNOK = '{"MESSAGE":"FAIL", "RESULT":"FAIL"}'; |
TReplyOK = '{"MESSAGE":"OK", "RESULT":"OK"}'; |
TReplyTagError = '{"MESSAGE":"ERROR", "RESULT":"Invalid Access tag..."}'; |
TServerStatusHTML = '<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset="UTF-8"/>' +
'<title>REST Dataware '+ RESTDWVersao +' </title></head><body>' +
'<h2>Server Status - Online</h2></body></html>'; |
TServerStatusHTMLQX = '<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset="UTF-8"/>' +
'<title>REST Dataware - QuickX</title></head><body>' +
'<h1>REST Dataware</h1>' +
'<h2>Server Status - Online</h2></body></html>'; |
TSepParams = '|xxx|xxx|%'; |
TSepValueMemString = '\\'; |
TTagParams = '<#%s#>'; |
TValueArrayJSON = '[%s]'; |
TValueDisp = '{"PARAMS":[%s], "RESULT":[%s]}'; |
TValueFormatJSON = '{"%s":"%s", "%s":"%s", "%s":"%s", "%s":"%s", "%s":[%s]}'; |
TValueFormatJSONValue = '{"%s":"%s", "%s":"%s", "%s":"%s", "%s":"%s", "%s":%s}'; |
TValueFormatJSONValueS = '{"%s":"%s", "%s":"%s", "%s":"%s", "%s":"%s", "%s":"%s"}'; |
UrlBase = '%s://%s:%d/%s'; |
UrlBaseA = '%s://%s:%d%s'; |
cBufferIsEmpty = 'No bytes in buffer.'; |
cBufferRangeError = 'Index out of bounds.'; |
cBufferMissingTerminator = 'Buffer terminator must be specified.'; |
cBufferInvalidStartPos = 'Buffer start position is invalid.'; |
cCapacityTooSmall = 'Capacity cannot be smaller than Size.'; |
cCharIndexOutOfBounds = 'Character index out of bounds (%d)'; |
cFailedTimeZoneInfo = 'Failed attempting to retrieve time zone information.'; |
cHeaderEncodeError = 'Could not encode header data using charset "%s"'; |
cHeaderDecodeError = 'Could not decode header data using charset "%s"'; |
cInvalidCharCount = 'Invalid count (%d)'; |
cInvalidDestinationIndex = 'Invalid destination index (%d)'; |
cInvalidDestinationArray = 'Invalid destination array'; |
cInvalidSourceArray = 'Invalid source array'; |
cIOHandlerCannotChange = 'Cannot change a connected IOHandler.'; |
cIOHandlerTypeNotInstalled = 'No IOHandler of type %s is installed.'; |
cMessageCannotLoad = 'Cannot load message from file %s'; |
cMessageErrorAttachmentBlocked = 'Attachment %s is blocked.'; |
cMessageErrorSavingAttachment = 'Error saving attachment.'; |
cNotEnoughDataInBuffer = 'Not enough data in buffer. (%d/%d)'; |
cTooMuchDataInBuffer = 'Too much data in buffer.'; |
cReadLnWaitMaxAttemptsExceeded = 'Max line read attempts exceeded.'; |
cReadTimeout = 'Read timed out.'; |
InitStrPos: Integer; |
FinalStrPos: Integer; |
DecimalLocal: Char; |
Gerado por PasDoc 0.16.0.