Unit uRESTDWDataset




Visão Geral

Classes, Interfaces, Objetos e Registros

Nome Descrição
[Comprimido] Registro TRESTDWDbTableHeader  
[Comprimido] Registro TVariantArrayField  
Classe TVariantArray  
Classe TRESTDWTableStorage  
Classe TIndexList  
Classe TCustomIndexList  
Classe TDataSetIndexList  
Classe TBufferedStream  
Classe DwArrayError  
Classe DwTableError  
Classe DwDatabaseError  
Classe TExtendedField  
Classe TStreamField  
Classe TColorField  
Registro TVarRecInfo  
Classe TRESTDWCustomDataSet  
Classe TRESTDWMemtable  

Funções e Procedimentos

Function FieldTypeToString(AValue : TFieldType) : String;
Function StringToFieldType(const S : string) : Integer;
Function GetFieldTypeB(FieldType : String) : TFieldType; overload;
Function GetFieldTypeB(FieldType : TFieldType) : String; overload;


TOnWriterProcess = Procedure (DataSet : TDataSet; RecNo, RecordCount : Integer; Var AbortProcess : Boolean) Of Object;
TRESTDWBRSourceSide = (...);
DWInteger = Longint;
DWInt64 = Int64;
DWString = String;
DWFloat = Real;
DWFieldTypeSize = Longint;
TRESTDWAboutInfoDS = (...);
pdwAnsiString = ˆAnsiString;
TDataAttributes = Set of (dwCalcField, dwNotNull, dwLookup, dwInternalCalc, dwAggregate);
TRestrictLength = Set of (dwRangeChecking, dwRestrict);
TIndexDataSortCompare = Function(Item1, Item2 : Integer) : Integer;
TVariantArraySortCompare = Function(Const Value1, Value2 : Variant) : Integer;
PVariantArray = ˆTVariantArray;
PArrayData = ˆTArrayData;
TArrayData = Array of Variant;
TRESTDWTableStorageClass = class of TRESTDWTableStorage;
PIndexDataList = ˆTIndexDataList;
TIndexDataList = Array[0..MaxIndexDataListSize - 1] of Integer;
TIndexListOptions = Set Of (iloUnique = 0, iloInactive = 1);
TRESTDWcolorOptions = Set Of (dwcoAllowedSharp, dwcoShowWebSharp, dwcoSysColors);
TRESTDWMemtableState = Set Of (dwsOpening, dwsOpen, dwsConvertError, dwsCheckFilter);
TRESTDWMemtableOptions = Set Of (dwoCanConvert, dwoFileReadOnly, dwoShowWaitForm);
PVarRecInfo = ˆTVarRecInfo;
TBytes = Array of Byte;
NativeInt = PtrInt;
TRESTDWMemtableOptionD = (...);
TRESTDWMemtableOptionsD = Set Of TRESTDWMemtableOptionD;
TUpdateKinds = set of TUpdateKind;


MaxFloatLaz = 15;
LazDigitsSize = 6;
sDate_dwdb = 41941.5705324074;
NTAVersion = 0;
MAXSHORT = 32767;
dwftString = Integer(DB.ftString);
dwftSmallint = Integer(DB.ftSmallint);
dwftInteger = Integer(DB.ftInteger);
dwftWord = Integer(DB.ftWord);
dwftBoolean = Integer(DB.ftBoolean);
dwftFloat = Integer(DB.ftFloat);
dwftCurrency = Integer(DB.ftCurrency);
dwftBCD = Integer(DB.ftBCD);
dwftDate = Integer(DB.ftDate);
dwftTime = Integer(DB.ftTime);
dwftDateTime = Integer(DB.ftDateTime);
dwftBytes = Integer(DB.ftBytes);
dwftVarBytes = Integer(DB.ftVarBytes);
dwftAutoInc = Integer(DB.ftAutoInc);
dwftBlob = Integer(DB.ftBlob);
dwftMemo = Integer(DB.ftMemo);
dwftGraphic = Integer(DB.ftGraphic);
dwftFmtMemo = Integer(DB.ftFmtMemo);
dwftParadoxOle = Integer(DB.ftParadoxOle);
dwftDBaseOle = Integer(DB.ftDBaseOle);
dwftTypedBinary = Integer(DB.ftTypedBinary);
dwftFixedChar = Integer(DB.ftFixedChar);
dwftWideString = Integer(DB.ftWideString);
dwftLargeint = Integer(DB.ftLargeint);
dwftOraBlob = Integer(DB.ftOraBlob);
dwftOraClob = Integer(DB.ftOraClob);
dwftVariant = Integer(DB.ftVariant);
dwftInterface = Integer(DB.ftInterface);
dwftIDispatch = Integer(DB.ftIDispatch);
dwftGuid = Integer(DB.ftGuid);
dwftTimeStamp = Integer(DB.ftTimeStamp);
dwftFMTBcd = Integer(DB.ftFMTBcd);
dwftFixedWideChar = Integer(38);
dwftWideMemo = Integer(39);
dwftOraTimeStamp = Integer(40);
dwftOraInterval = Integer(41);
dwftLongWord = Integer(42);
dwftShortint = Integer(43);
dwftByte = Integer(44);
dwftExtended = Integer(45);
dwftStream = Integer(48);
dwftTimeStampOffset = Integer(49);
dwftSingle = Integer(51);
dwftUnknown = Integer(DB.ftUnknown);
dwftCursor = Integer(DB.ftCursor);
dwftADT = Integer(DB.ftADT);
dwftArray = Integer(DB.ftArray);
dwftReference = Integer(DB.ftReference);
dwftDataSet = Integer(DB.ftDataSet);
dwftColor = Integer(255);
MarkerSize = SizeOf(Integer);
smEOF = 0;
smFieldDefs = 1;
smData = 2;
stkAutoInc = 0;
stkIndexes = 1;
stkLookupInf = 2;
stkForeignKey = 3;
MaxIndexDataListSize = MaxInt div 16;
SupportFieldTypes = [ftString, ftWideString, ftBoolean, ftSmallint, ftInteger, ftLargeint, ftWord, ftAutoInc, ftFloat, ftCurrency, ftDate, ftTime, ftDateTime, ftTimeStamp, ftBlob, ftMemo, ftGuid, ftBCD, ftFmtBcd, ftBytes, ftVarBytes, ftVariant, ftFixedChar ];
SNotSupportFieldType = 'Field type is not supported.';
SForeignKeyIndexMustExists = 'FOREIGN KEY index must exists on field "%s".';
SIntListCapacityError = 'IntList capacity out of bounds (%d)';
SIntListCountError = 'IntList count out of bounds (%d)';
SIntListIndexError = 'IntList index out of bounds (%d)';
SDuplicateFieldName = 'A field named ''%s'' already exists';
SInvalidColor = '''%s'' is not a valid color value';
SMoveBytesError = 'Stream move butes error';
SIllegalFileVersion = 'Illegal File Version';
SCorruptedFileHeader = 'Corrupted File Header';
SCorruptedDefinitions = 'Corrupted Table Definitions, or Illegal Login';
SFileSAlreadyExists = 'File %s already exists';
SIsDatafileReadOnly = 'Is Datafile Read only';
SIsDatafileHasStream = 'Datafile has stream event';
SWarnNextDefinitions = 'Warning! Next table definitions.';
SInvalidRecord = 'GetRecord: Invalid record';
SNotSupported = 'AddRecord: not supported';
SBookmarkDNotFound = 'Bookmark %d not found';
SUnsupportedTypeField = '%s: unsupported type of field %s';
SDbIsCurrentlyOpen = 'Cannot perform operation -- Db is currently open';
SCantAssingOpenTable = 'Cannot assing an open table to a new file';
SFieldsMustUnique = 'Fields ''%s'' must have a unique value';
SIsTableOpened = 'Is Table opened';
STableNotExists = 'Table not exists';
SDifferentDbOrNotAssigned = 'Different Database or not assigned';
STableAlreadyExists = 'Table already exists';
SIllegalLogin = 'Illegal Login';
SIllegalLoginFmt = 'Illegal Login %s';
SZerroFieldCount = 'InitFieldsDefs: 0 fields?';
SInitFieldsDefsNoType = 'InitFieldsDefs: No type for field %d';
SInitFieldsDefsNoName = 'InitFieldsDefs: No name for field %d';
SStructureOfIndexBroken = 'Structure of index is broken, it is required automatic a recreation of an index';
STheTableDontHaveName = 'The table dont have name.';
STheTableHaveIllegal = 'The table have illegal symbol of name.';
SLengthOutOfBounds = 'Length out of bounds (%d)';
SIndexNamedAlredyExists = 'Index named "%s" already exists.';
SEmptyIndexName = 'Empty index name';
SViolationOfForeignKey = 'Violation of FOREIGN KEY constraint on field "' + '%s".' + sLineBreak + 'Foreign key references are present for the record.';
SViolationOfForeignKey2 = 'Violation of FOREIGN KEY constraint on field "' + '%s".' + sLineBreak + 'Foreign key reference target does not exist.';
SErrInvalidDataStream = 'Error in data stream at position %d';
SErrInvalidMarkerAtPos = 'Wrong data stream marker at position %d. Got %d, expected %d';


DefaultFieldClasses: Array[TFieldType] Of TFieldClass = (nil, TStringField, TSmallintField, TIntegerField, TWordField, TBooleanField, TFloatField, TCurrencyField, TBCDField, TDateField, TTimeField, TDateTimeField, TBytesField, TVarBytesField, TAutoIncField, TBlobField, TMemoField, TGraphicField, TBlobField, TBlobField, TBlobField, TBlobField, nil, TStringField, TWideStringField, TLargeIntField, Nil, Nil, Nil, Nil, TBlobField, TMemoField, TVariantField, Nil, Nil, TGuidField, Nil, TFMTBcdField , TStringField , TStreamField );
vTableStorage: TRESTDWTableStorage = nil;


Funções e Procedimentos

Function FieldTypeToString(AValue : TFieldType) : String;


Function StringToFieldType(const S : string) : Integer;
Function GetFieldTypeB(FieldType : String) : TFieldType; overload;
Function GetFieldTypeB(FieldType : TFieldType) : String; overload;


TOnWriterProcess = Procedure (DataSet : TDataSet; RecNo, RecordCount : Integer; Var AbortProcess : Boolean) Of Object;
TRESTDWBRSourceSide = (...);
  • dwDelphi
  • dwLazarus
DWInteger = Longint;
DWInt64 = Int64;
DWString = String;
DWFloat = Real;
DWFieldTypeSize = Longint;
TRESTDWAboutInfoDS = (...);
  • DWAboutDS
pdwAnsiString = ˆAnsiString;
TDataAttributes = Set of (dwCalcField, dwNotNull, dwLookup, dwInternalCalc, dwAggregate);
TRestrictLength = Set of (dwRangeChecking, dwRestrict);
TIndexDataSortCompare = Function(Item1, Item2 : Integer) : Integer;
TVariantArraySortCompare = Function(Const Value1, Value2 : Variant) : Integer;
PVariantArray = ˆTVariantArray;
PArrayData = ˆTArrayData;


TArrayData = Array of Variant;
TRESTDWTableStorageClass = class of TRESTDWTableStorage;
PIndexDataList = ˆTIndexDataList;
TIndexDataList = Array[0..MaxIndexDataListSize - 1] of Integer;
TIndexListOptions = Set Of (iloUnique = 0, iloInactive = 1);
TRESTDWcolorOptions = Set Of (dwcoAllowedSharp, dwcoShowWebSharp, dwcoSysColors);
TRESTDWMemtableState = Set Of (dwsOpening, dwsOpen, dwsConvertError, dwsCheckFilter);
TRESTDWMemtableOptions = Set Of (dwoCanConvert, dwoFileReadOnly, dwoShowWaitForm);
PVarRecInfo = ˆTVarRecInfo;
TBytes = Array of Byte;
NativeInt = PtrInt;
TRESTDWMemtableOptionD = (...);
  • dwPersistentData
  • dwStored
  • dwSetEmptyStrToNull
  • dwSkipUnSupportedFieldTypes
TRESTDWMemtableOptionsD = Set Of TRESTDWMemtableOptionD;
TUpdateKinds = set of TUpdateKind;


MaxFloatLaz = 15;
LazDigitsSize = 6;
sDate_dwdb = 41941.5705324074;
NTAVersion = 0;
MAXSHORT = 32767;
dwftString = Integer(DB.ftString);

Supported types

dwftSmallint = Integer(DB.ftSmallint);
dwftInteger = Integer(DB.ftInteger);
dwftWord = Integer(DB.ftWord);
dwftBoolean = Integer(DB.ftBoolean);
dwftFloat = Integer(DB.ftFloat);
dwftCurrency = Integer(DB.ftCurrency);
dwftBCD = Integer(DB.ftBCD);
dwftDate = Integer(DB.ftDate);
dwftTime = Integer(DB.ftTime);
dwftDateTime = Integer(DB.ftDateTime);
dwftBytes = Integer(DB.ftBytes);
dwftVarBytes = Integer(DB.ftVarBytes);
dwftAutoInc = Integer(DB.ftAutoInc);
dwftBlob = Integer(DB.ftBlob);
dwftMemo = Integer(DB.ftMemo);
dwftGraphic = Integer(DB.ftGraphic);
dwftFmtMemo = Integer(DB.ftFmtMemo);
dwftParadoxOle = Integer(DB.ftParadoxOle);
dwftDBaseOle = Integer(DB.ftDBaseOle);
dwftTypedBinary = Integer(DB.ftTypedBinary);
dwftFixedChar = Integer(DB.ftFixedChar);
dwftWideString = Integer(DB.ftWideString);
dwftLargeint = Integer(DB.ftLargeint);
dwftOraBlob = Integer(DB.ftOraBlob);
dwftOraClob = Integer(DB.ftOraClob);
dwftVariant = Integer(DB.ftVariant);
dwftInterface = Integer(DB.ftInterface);
dwftIDispatch = Integer(DB.ftIDispatch);
dwftGuid = Integer(DB.ftGuid);
dwftTimeStamp = Integer(DB.ftTimeStamp);
dwftFMTBcd = Integer(DB.ftFMTBcd);
dwftFixedWideChar = Integer(38);
dwftWideMemo = Integer(39);
dwftOraTimeStamp = Integer(40);
dwftOraInterval = Integer(41);
dwftLongWord = Integer(42);
dwftShortint = Integer(43);
dwftByte = Integer(44);
dwftExtended = Integer(45);
dwftStream = Integer(48);
dwftTimeStampOffset = Integer(49);
dwftSingle = Integer(51);
dwftUnknown = Integer(DB.ftUnknown);

Unsupported types

dwftCursor = Integer(DB.ftCursor);
dwftADT = Integer(DB.ftADT);
dwftArray = Integer(DB.ftArray);
dwftReference = Integer(DB.ftReference);
dwftDataSet = Integer(DB.ftDataSet);
dwftColor = Integer(255);

Unknown newest types for support in future

MarkerSize = SizeOf(Integer);

Stream Markers.

smEOF = 0;
smFieldDefs = 1;
smData = 2;
stkAutoInc = 0;
stkIndexes = 1;
stkLookupInf = 2;
stkForeignKey = 3;
MaxIndexDataListSize = MaxInt div 16;
SupportFieldTypes = [ftString, ftWideString, ftBoolean, ftSmallint, ftInteger, ftLargeint, ftWord, ftAutoInc, ftFloat, ftCurrency, ftDate, ftTime, ftDateTime, ftTimeStamp, ftBlob, ftMemo, ftGuid, ftBCD, ftFmtBcd, ftBytes, ftVarBytes, ftVariant, ftFixedChar ];
SNotSupportFieldType = 'Field type is not supported.';
SForeignKeyIndexMustExists = 'FOREIGN KEY index must exists on field "%s".';
SIntListCapacityError = 'IntList capacity out of bounds (%d)';
SIntListCountError = 'IntList count out of bounds (%d)';
SIntListIndexError = 'IntList index out of bounds (%d)';
SDuplicateFieldName = 'A field named ''%s'' already exists';
SInvalidColor = '''%s'' is not a valid color value';
SMoveBytesError = 'Stream move butes error';
SIllegalFileVersion = 'Illegal File Version';
SCorruptedFileHeader = 'Corrupted File Header';
SCorruptedDefinitions = 'Corrupted Table Definitions, or Illegal Login';
SFileSAlreadyExists = 'File %s already exists';
SIsDatafileReadOnly = 'Is Datafile Read only';
SIsDatafileHasStream = 'Datafile has stream event';
SWarnNextDefinitions = 'Warning! Next table definitions.';
SInvalidRecord = 'GetRecord: Invalid record';
SNotSupported = 'AddRecord: not supported';
SBookmarkDNotFound = 'Bookmark %d not found';
SUnsupportedTypeField = '%s: unsupported type of field %s';
SDbIsCurrentlyOpen = 'Cannot perform operation -- Db is currently open';
SCantAssingOpenTable = 'Cannot assing an open table to a new file';
SFieldsMustUnique = 'Fields ''%s'' must have a unique value';
SIsTableOpened = 'Is Table opened';
STableNotExists = 'Table not exists';
SDifferentDbOrNotAssigned = 'Different Database or not assigned';
STableAlreadyExists = 'Table already exists';
SIllegalLogin = 'Illegal Login';
SIllegalLoginFmt = 'Illegal Login %s';
SZerroFieldCount = 'InitFieldsDefs: 0 fields?';
SInitFieldsDefsNoType = 'InitFieldsDefs: No type for field %d';
SInitFieldsDefsNoName = 'InitFieldsDefs: No name for field %d';
SStructureOfIndexBroken = 'Structure of index is broken, it is required automatic a recreation of an index';
STheTableDontHaveName = 'The table dont have name.';
STheTableHaveIllegal = 'The table have illegal symbol of name.';
SLengthOutOfBounds = 'Length out of bounds (%d)';
SIndexNamedAlredyExists = 'Index named "%s" already exists.';
SEmptyIndexName = 'Empty index name';
SViolationOfForeignKey = 'Violation of FOREIGN KEY constraint on field "' + '%s".' + sLineBreak + 'Foreign key references are present for the record.';
SViolationOfForeignKey2 = 'Violation of FOREIGN KEY constraint on field "' + '%s".' + sLineBreak + 'Foreign key reference target does not exist.';
SErrInvalidDataStream = 'Error in data stream at position %d';
SErrInvalidMarkerAtPos = 'Wrong data stream marker at position %d. Got %d, expected %d';


DefaultFieldClasses: Array[TFieldType] Of TFieldClass = (nil, TStringField, TSmallintField, TIntegerField, TWordField, TBooleanField, TFloatField, TCurrencyField, TBCDField, TDateField, TTimeField, TDateTimeField, TBytesField, TVarBytesField, TAutoIncField, TBlobField, TMemoField, TGraphicField, TBlobField, TBlobField, TBlobField, TBlobField, nil, TStringField, TWideStringField, TLargeIntField, Nil, Nil, Nil, Nil, TBlobField, TMemoField, TVariantField, Nil, Nil, TGuidField, Nil, TFMTBcdField , TStringField , TStreamField );
vTableStorage: TRESTDWTableStorage = nil;

Gerado por PasDoc 0.16.0.